
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To all the Stay at Home Moms

Hey Everyone,

This post goes out to the Stay At Home Moms out there!!!

We have one of the Hardest 24/7 jobs in the WORLD.

I am So Sick of everyone saying its an easy job and that I should have everything together and that life should be easy for me....well guess what your 9-5 stops at 5...My JOB DOESN'T STOP!!

You think you can justify what you do and say that you would LOVE to trade places with takes a special kinda person to be at home ALL the time with their child, and not lose their mind.

I LOVE My Son more than ANYTHING in this world I would give up everything for him!! That should go unsaid but I am saying it anyway in case there are some of those lovely people out there reading this that will make some smart ass remark about how I don't love my child. Guess what you PUNK I love my child so much I have given up EVERYTHING for him. My job, my income, my truck, my life, and you better believe I would do it again in a heartbeat for that little guy!!

I am going to stop rambling and get off of here for now(although I may be back on here with another rant later can't make any promises about that) Just know Stay At Home Moms, I Got your Back!! We got to stick together...the world doesn't understand us and never will until they do our job!!


Night Night for now


A Start

Well talk about motiviation coming to me.

I was outside with my son playing with him...and I went to squat down to his level and I hate to say it my last pair of pants ripped. I HATE being this honest but its good for me to get it out.

Now I am even more determinded to GET RID OF THIS WEIGHT!!!!

I have a goal of 40lbs dropped which would take me down to 145. I would be THRILLED to be there again. I understand that I will have to understand my new "after baby body" as well, I really just want to get rid of my muffin top.

Well I just did 60 sit ups and I am not sure what they are called but I know they work the heck out of your abs...going to google....and I can't find what they are called right now so I will add the name in later...

Anyway...Time to feed the munchkin then put him to bed...I have a PLAN to bring the Turbo Jam work out back into the house tomorrow and get going on that....I am so DONE with being the size I am!!!!

Wish me Luck :)



I have made a Decision...I am NOT going to my class reunion. I worry that I may miss out on something but I can't at this time in my life justify 50bucks to see people that I went to school with. My budget is tight enough as it is. We are facing some BIG choices these days with my fiance's job situation and bottom line is my Family comes first!!

write more later time to clean the house...

BTW weight loss is NOT going as I planned....I NEED to find my motivation!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Well, Life has thrown me some curve-balls recently, but gotta roll with the punches. I have realized that in 3 Months I have my 10 year reunion to go to. Well that means I have to drop about 40lbs in 3 Months...Do you think I can do it?!?! I have my doubts but I don't have a choice...I don't lose 40lbs in 3 Months I don't go. My Goal from here on out is to lose 4lbs a week. That means WATER WATER WATER and VEGGIES...

Here we go

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just another day

Well, Hey everyone...

Where to start...Today in the world of this stay at home Mom, my list of things to do seems to be never ending..

I am not sure where I want this blog to go yet...I have a few ideas but right now, its just going to be about us :)

I will write some more later on...